Sunday, April 8, 2012

Fourth Grade Welcomes Special Visitors

Fourth grade had some surprise guests recently.  As part of a college admissions assignment, Mr. Connell's eleventh grade English class had to write an essay about what advice they would give ten-year-olds.  What they wrote was absolutely amazing and showed a great deal of maturity and thought.  Mr. Connell asked them to read their essays to the fourth graders. The children listened intently and respectfully as the students presented their essays.  They learned that these juniors wished that they had listened to their parents and teachers more and appreciated them more earlier in their lives.  They told the children that playing video games too much is a waste of time and can affect their ability to get good grades, and that they didn't need to wait until they were in high school to start thinking about making good grades.  It was a special moment in our school year and the fourth graders appreciate them taking the time to share their wonderful advice. 

Thanks, Mr. Connell and Mrs. Garrett!

Thursday, March 29, 2012

Student-Athlete Facility Progress: Day 11 and 12

Student-Athlete Facility Progress: Day One

On March 16, the old press box/concession stand facility was demolished to begin clearing the site for the new student-athlete facility. Here are a few pictures from the demolition activity that day.

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Donoho Launches Capital Campaign With Goal of $1.592 million

To continue to best serve our leaders of tomorrow, the board of directors has identified several funding opportunities that will cultivate the many facets of education for all students of The Donoho School. Our commitment is to the development of the total child by providing a challenging curriculum in an atmosphere conducive to good citizenship, personal integrity, and devotion to religious principles.

 We have launched the campaign“Defining the Difference,” which is about creating educational access and opportunity while providing a safe environment for our students to interact socially. The campaign is focused on enhancing the educational experience for our current students and for those who will enroll in the future. The school will build upon its strong academic traditions and help our students set their sights even higher as they prepare for college. 

To prepare us for our future, the “Defining the Difference”campaign will modernize our current campus facilities with the addition of two  buildings and will allow us to advance our campus technologically through the implementation of campus-wide upgrades. These improvements will allow us to be considered among the best college-preparatory schools in Alabama and the southeast. The campaign will build upon the foundation that our founding families established in 1963 while enabling us to educate those students who will join us in the years to come.

If you would like more information on giving to The Donoho School, please contact the Office of Institutional Advancement at (256) 237-5477.

Pre-kindergarten students, who are members of the class of 2025, say THANKS for your investment in their future as a part of the capital campaign!

Thursday, December 1, 2011

Donoho Focus Group Shows Support of World AIDS Day 2011

Donoho students and faculty showed their support of World AIDS Day 2011 by wearing red today. The theme for World AIDS Day 2011 was "Getting to Zero- Zero new HIV infections. Zero discrimination. Zero AIDS-related deaths." Thank you to the Donoho Focus Group for bringing awareness to this worthy cause!

Sixth Graders Use Technology for Book Projects

Sixth graders collaborate to create multimedia "Did You Know?" book projects featuring a variety of informational books and topics of their choice. Students used iMovie, GarageBand, and the Internet to combine audio, video, images, and text to publish final projects.

Fifth Grader Wins School Spelling Bee

C-O-N-G-R-A-T-U-L-A-T-I-O-N-S to Shelley Phillips for winning the 2011-2012 Donoho Lower School Spelling Bee! Shelley will advance to the Calhoun County Spelling Bee on February 1, 2012. Let's wish her lots of luck. Also, congratulations to all the 4th - 6th grade homeroom spelling bee winners who participated in this year's bee:

Sarah Green (4th grade)
Adam Stremmel (4th grade)
Shelley Phillips (5th grade)
Sarah Abdul Ghani (5th grade)
Grayson Marlowe (5th grade)
Jenna Stremmel (5th grade)
Sonia Kashyap (6th grade)
Tej Patel (6th grade)